Hello, It’s Me

Today I simply refuse to adult.

I am on my period, I have the worst cramps, and so that’s my excuse for bingeing on potato chips, softdrinks and cheesy romantic movies. 

It has been so long since I blogged that I think I have forgotten how to!

But I have many things I want to talk about.

The first is diving. 

Yes! I am now a certified scuba diver. šŸ™‚ 

It all started when somewhere, sometime in March, atop a restaurant table, I read this sign that said “When was the last time you did something for the first time?”

And I thought, it’s been a while. 

So I vowed to myself to do something new. Something thrilling. And then it just dawned on me. I wanted to dive!

It had always been something I wanted to do. Even back in my college days, I remember a friend and I wanted to take the PADI certification. However it just never came to be. Mostly because I didn’t have the funds. šŸ™‚ 

Now, I finally did. And with my wedding over & done with (that’s another blog story!), I wanted to, for the time being, use my money for fun (instead of life goals such as wedding, house, etc). šŸ™‚ 

For a week or so, it stayed a pipe dream. Then my husband and I went to Puerto Galera. While talking with his friends, one of them mentioned diving. Of course we asked, where did she train? And she mentioned, Makati. Where in Makati? She replied with a street name. That street??? Our street?!? Where specifically in that street?!? And she specified our condo building! What?!?


Next thing I knew, by April, we were on the orientation, then we were taking the lectures, then we were going to the swimming pool after work for some diving lessons! It lasted a period of two weeks, with Easter in between. At the end of the month, on April 29-30, we went on our checkout and first open water dive. And it thrilled me to the bone. šŸ™‚ 

Expect more posts on diving from now on… šŸ™‚ 

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