Halo-Halo on a Hot Day

Here in the Philippines, we have a sweet treat called Halo-halo. Halo in Filipino means “mix”. Halo-halo is a mix of ingredients such as beans, flan, fruits, sugar, milk and ice, then topped with ice cream, oatmeal and sometimes a cherry.

It’s a favorite Filipino dessert, and the best halo-halos are the ones made by hand by your parents on a hot Sunday afternoon when you were a child. Save that, there are always the food stalls and restaurants.

Here in Dapitan, the best halo-halo is served in Jana’s Place on Josephine Bracken street (named after Jose Rizal’s lady friend).

Gim and I ate this treat a few days ago, when it was stuffy warm all over Dapitan. It sure refreshed us for a good ten minutes. 😉

P.S. When I went to Japan, they had a similar dessert. They called it Haro-haro. LOL!

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  1. That looks yummy!

    Over in Malaysia, we have something similar and it's called "ais kacang", but it doesn't come with icecream, oatmeal & cherry though…

  2. I have to say that looks really good. The combination is a little strange to us in the US, but it still seems yummy

  3. Hey Random, sounds like an absolutely ‘delish’ dessert…delish is my word of the day..thanks 4 sharing.

  4. @Perky, really? Do you have a picture?

    @Holly, it tastes like shake, but better. 🙂

    @LaTease, you’re welcome 🙂

  5. What kind of beans are included?
    Also, what are the crisps on the top?
    I wonder how many calories are in it?
    (You totally piqued my curiosity on this one)!

  6. I have to say as a Filipino who grew up in the US I rarely ate Halo Halo. Then on a particularly hot day I stopped at a nearby Goldilocks and now my life has CHANGED! My palms sweat, and my heart races as I watch them create my favorite concoction. I can barely make it to a table before I start shoveling in my FACE! Halo Halo…..I LOB IT!

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