What Do I Do With My Dark Elbows?

My desk is too cluttered at home. Books, papers, accessories, an obsolete desktop computer. Everything I don’t need in my life (but I can’t ever part with) gets demoted to the desk.

Which leaves me nowhere to work. So I work on the bed, facedown lying on my stomach, my upper torso supported by my elbows. You can imagine the strain on my elbows. But you don’t have to to. You can see it here:

Doesn’t it look like I am totally neglectful of skin care? It doesn’t look so in the picture, but aside from the dry and flaky skin, my elbows are colored darker than the rest of my body! Ugh! 🙁

I’m the last person you can ask for any creams or lotions or whatever – because I have nada. It’s not that I don’t care, I am just afraid to put anything on my skin for fear it will break out. (Chalk this up to a high school trauma regarding an aloe vera mix and my best friend’s face.)

So anyway, having nothing on my plate, I rummaged around my mother’s things. She had an assortment of little creams, and I just plucked this out, because I like the word “exfoliant”.

I think it’s supposed to go on the face, but I bet my elbow can benefit from that too! So I’ve been applying it every night. It feels a bit grainy. I don’t know if that’s how it supposed to feel or if it’s expired. But, eh, I don’t think my elbow will get worse either way.

Crossed fingers! And tell me if you have better advice because I am clueless!

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  1. @Buddha: calamansi? Wow, lemme try that. Though I’m not so particular about this, it won’t hurt to make your elbow’s look even with your skin tone. 😀

  2. I believe in Vaseline. If it can make my HB’s black callused ankles into shiny soft pink ones…. haha. It really worked for him. A lot of Vaseline every night. But of course, you have to stop laying down like that. So, perhaps it is time to clean up that desk…

  3. Hi I just stopped by to drop on your Entrecard and wanted to let you know that you have been added to Blog Angel’s All Above the Crease Drop List . I created the list because I was sick of wasting time trying to find people’s Ecards. You and everyone on the list has their Entrecards in an easy to find location. Stop by and check it out.

  4. Your elbows are not dark. They’re just dry. So a lot more of moisturizing lotion should be dab on it. clarins is very expensive, but if you want a cheaper alternative that’s proven to really soften rough spots like I used to have —-go for Jergens and Nivea.

    Exfoliating is fine. But after exfoliation,you should rub the lotion on.

  5. @Raul, neat idea! I will try that 🙂

    @Without Dash, definitely will check that Vaseline out too!

    @Blogangel, ok thanks!

    @Bingkee, Jergens and Nivea, got it!

    Thanks everyone 🙂 I will try all of your ideas. (And see about cleaning that desk….)

  6. You can ex foliate and moisturize and lighten all at once, both cheaply and naturally with a scrub made from course sea salt and olive oil (grapes seed oil works too, with less of a smell) and lemon juice. Just mix the ingredients and gently rub into skin with small circles. I also like nivea.

  7. Nivea user here. The thing I love about Nivea is that, you can never put too much lotion as it gets easily absorbed by the skin (because of the licorice extract). Even if you sweat, skin won’t get sticky.

    Exfoliants are really grainy. It’s those beads that does the trick. bingkee is right: always moisturize everytime to exfoliate. That goes for the face too.

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